At last, vendors are making progress in the implementation of automated data tiering technologies.
Clients want their Web sites to engage their visitors; they're not concerned with how this is achieved.
Businesses are approaching pre-integration with caution.
The four quadrants of the brain have different functions, and impact people's roles in business.
Consumers will differentiate mobile device capabilities through the bundled services each mobile device brand offers.
Companies can implement simple marketing strategies that are affordable and effective.
Jumpstart the contact centre with communications as a service.
Companies are turning to solid state disk drive technology for high-end data storage applications.
IT security will be severely compromised leading up to the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
The focus of business performance management has changed from justifying its acquisition to ensuring it works.
A standards-based approach to networking allows businesses to get away from proprietary networking.
The configuration management database has evolved into the configuration management system.
IT spend is controlled and the returns are measurable with the risk-based services model, or 'your money back'.