
T-Systems offers telecoms services

By Stephen Whitford, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 30 Jun 2004
T-Systems SA is expanding its local offering to provide telecommunications services to corporates.

Hans ten Hoven, T-Systems senior executive VP of sales and services, says with the absence of a big international provider of telecoms services in the local market, SA presents a large opportunity for Deutsche Telecom.

"T-Systems SA is one of our bigger operations and we wanted to increase our knowledge base here and strengthen the position in the market," he says.

Desmond Seeley, T-Systems GM for telecommunications services, says the new offering will add to the company`s current offering of computing desktop services and application integration.

"We will focus on providing fixed-line, wireless and satellite communications to the corporate market. Added to the services T-Systems offers, corporates will also be able to use Detecon Management Consulting, a Deutsche Telecom owned company, which assists in rolling out our solutions," he says.

Seeley says T-Systems will target the top 300 companies in the country, particularly those with African/international business requirements. T-Systems will also provide services to multinationals outside the country that want to increase their presence locally.

[VIDEO]"In SA, the market has generally still stuck on the issues of connectivity and bandwidth. However, we will be providing more than just a pipe, but will look to provide value-added services to different verticals as well, starting in August," he says.

Key vertical markets include the automotive dealerships, companies with remote office needs, the retail arena and financial services companies that are working up into Africa, says Seeley.

"We have signed up MCI (UUNet) and Sentech as major partners so that we can provide corporates with a complete solution. This means that we will not only roll-out the technology that`s needed, but manage all voice, data and connectivity issues," he says.
