Status Medical Aid Administrators, a local administrator of several large medical aid schemes, has implemented Metrofile`s computer output to laser disc (COLD) application, integrated it with internal software, and introduced new scanning hardware and software to replace its outdated and costly microfilming system and enable faster document retrieval times.
Three main areas of Status`s business will be affected by the implementation:
* Preparation of paper claims, performed by the postal division;
* Assessment of claims by the claims division; and
* Client services as customers will gain easy access to claim images and advice images via the company`s Web site.
"All scanned images are saved to our server, ready for rapid retrieval," says Garth Hitchcock, IT manager at Status Medical Aid Administrators.
"We have also introduced an API/OCX application into our call centre. Now, when an agent is dealing with a client, a link on the screen enables him or her to open up the scanned image of the client`s claim form, and any other relevant details that can assist in resolving the client`s query as quickly and easily as possible."
Status will use COLD for the capturing and improved management of its print stream of invoices and statements for its cheque runs. Once captured, the information is then automatically imported into the company`s Alchemy software, where it can be viewed on customised backgrounds.
With the new Metrofile system in place, all claims that move through the mailroom are now scanned using Kodak i260 scanners, and a claim number is automatically printed on the document. Manual indexing is no longer required.
"Status opted to replace its microfilming processes with the Metrofile solutions because of the high cost required to maintain the microfilming machine and to make the images accessible to their users and clients," says Antoinette Zlatarov, new sales executive at Metrofile. "With its new solution, Status will have reduced maintenance costs and facilities to access scanned images. Costs will also be saved by reducing unnecessary duplication of documents when clients request copies of advice or claim forms; and forwarding scanned images to customers using the solution`s e-mail and RightFax facilities will reduce postage costs."
According to Fred Kunniger, buying and facilities manager at Status, the administrator opted for Metrofile`s solution "as it was most comprehensive and adaptable solution on offer, meeting exactly our company`s specific requirements".
Status Medical Aid Administrators administers nine schemes, including the Commercial and Industrial Medical Aid Society, Compcare Medical Scheme, Good Hope Medical Aid Society, Lifemed Medical Scheme and Protea Medical Aid Society.