
Second time lucky for Gutsy Green

Kgaogelo Letsebe
By Kgaogelo Letsebe, Portals journalist
Johannesburg, 03 May 2017
Gutsy Green is an online platform that delivers ingredients and recipes to users.
Gutsy Green is an online platform that delivers ingredients and recipes to users.

Cape Town food tech start-up Gutsy Green aims to enable ordinary citizens to cook "restaurant-style meals" at home.

According to co-founder Kyle Moore, the online platform delivers the exact pre-portioned ingredients with recipe cards to consumers' homes on a weekly basis for users to cook with.

First launched in 2016, it was a tough journey being one of the few food tech start-ups in the country while navigating tough territory, says Moore.

"Our biggest mistake prior to launching was to opt for cheap developers to build our Web site. We thought we could get the best Web site up and running with cheap web developers from India. This did not work out for us as we had to completely rebuild our Web site and re-launch a second time," says Moore.

"Now part of our core focus is to build the best tech platform that will allow customers to order a recipe kit at a click of a button. We are leveraging the benefits of open source technologies to best tailor our products and services to suit/fill the needs of our clients."

The development of an app is part of the long-term plans, he adds.

"When signing up on the Web site, the system saves your dietary preferences i.e., don't eat pork or shellfish. It will also save your lifestyle choices inputs i.e. low carb or veg. The algorithms learn what kind of recipes our customers enjoy and recommend/select meals for them based on previous behaviour as well as dietary requirements inputted by the customer," he explains.

The system recommends meals to users every Monday based on their dietary requirements. The service is only intended for use by people residing in South Africa and payments are facilitated by credit card transactions are acquired by Virtual Card Services.

The company sources food which is governed by food and beverage industry standards. "As founders we try and source organic ingredients where possible, grass-fed beef and farm-fresh vegetables."

Prices range from R305 weekly for three recipes for one person to R829 weekly for three recipes for four people.

In April 2017, another food tech start-up,, introduced what it claims is the country's first online food marketplace platform.

According to the start-up, the site and app feature a variety of restaurants, chefs and home bakers who are readily available to prepare meals for customers based in certain parts of Gauteng and the Western Cape.
