Qmuzik`s electricity vending solution - known as TalkWyz Electricity - has successfully been installed by Enertech SA at the municipalities of Reitz and Lindley.
The key objectives of implementing the solution were to:
* Provide real-time information and reporting to the municipal management which would allow them to improve the delivery of services to consumers.
* Provide access to information that will facilitate maintenance and service on metres at a residential level.
* Assist in identifying fraudulent activity, for example, bypassing of electricity meters and putting in plans to actively manage these "hotspots".
* The ability to reconcile consumption against financial transactions.
* The ability to more effectively manage the requirements - both at a consumer, governmental and financial level - relating to the dispensing of "free electricity quota".
The administrators involved in managing and interpreting the information that the system provides have welcomed the new levels of business oriented information that is at their disposal. From a service delivery perspective, the information has allowed them to significantly improve service levels to customers. One of the main advantages of the TalkWyz solution is real-time processing which, in turn, delivers real-time accessibility to management and maintenance information.
The ease at which the dispensing and reconciliation of government imposed free electricity quotas is now managed means that the complex reporting mechanisms are obsolete.
Overall, the real benefit of the Qmuzik solution is the ability to assist in driving down the under recovery of electricity sales which should - in the longer term - financially benefit all consumers as the subsidisation of electricity "theft" by paying consumers becomes less and less.
For more information on Qmuzik`s Utility Operator Solutions visit www.qmuzik.com / www.talkwyz.com.