
Oracle announces new Sun Fire x86 clustered systems

Enhances enterprise systems for highly virtualised and private cloud deployments.

Redwood Shores, California, 22 Feb 2011

News facts:

* Bolstering its enterprise-class x86 blade and rackmount servers for highly virtualised and private cloud deployments, Oracle today announced enhanced Sun Fire x86 clustered systems.

* Oracle's Sun Fire x86 clustered systems posted five new world records(1), demonstrating enterprise leadership and superior performance for Java applications.

* Over a three-year period, Oracle's virtualised x86 systems with Oracle Linux and Oracle VM deliver up to 48% better TCO than HP with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and VMware.

* Oracle's Sun Fire x86 clustered systems have set more than 30 world records to date, highlighting Oracle's industry-leading performance for decision-support and online transaction processing databases, business applications, and IT infrastructure running on operating systems including Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux.

* Only Oracle's comprehensive portfolio of x86 systems is engineered with its business software and hardware to deliver complete application-to-disk solutions.

* Oracle's application-to-disk solutions can be managed and supported as a single system with Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g for simplified management.

* For faster deployment, Oracle's x86 systems ship pre-installed with Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux and Oracle VM, and provide a completely tested and supported virtualized environment for Oracle Software, including Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Applications.

* Oracle's Sun Fire x86 systems are part of Oracle's complete portfolio of cloud-ready software and hardware products, supporting Oracle's commitment to provide advanced cloud-computing infrastructure to help reduce the cost and complexity of running enterprise software.

Supporting quote

“Oracle delivers differentiated enterprise-class solutions for the x86 server market, with its integrated application-to-disk approach and unique end-to-end Oracle Premier Support capabilities,” said Ali Alasti, vice-president of hardware engineering, Oracle. “With outstanding performance and operational efficiency, these new systems combine with Oracle software to provide a rock-solid foundation for enterprise consolidation and private cloud deployments.”

Supporting resources:

* Oracle's Sun Fire x86 Clustered Systems
* Oracle Benchmarks
* Oracle x86 Rack Servers: Optimized for Rapid Deployments and Operational Efficiency White Paper
* Data Center Efficiency with Oracle x86 Blade System Solutions
* Oracle's Sun Fire X2270 M2 Architecture White Paper
* Sun Blade Modular Systems White Paper
* Oracle Premier Support
* Oracle InfraRed blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook

(1) More details on new performance records available at



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Claire Alexander