
MTSA appoints sales and marketing executive

Dr Ntombi Mutshekwane.
Dr Ntombi Mutshekwane.

MEDITECH South Africa (MTSA) has announced the appointment of Dr Ntombi Mutshekwane as its Sales and Marketing Executive. She will assume responsibilities on 2 May 2018 and will be leading the effort to bring MEDITECH Expanse, the company's latest Web-based platform, to the Africa and Middle East markets.

Mutshekwane qualified in 2000 with her MBChB, followed by an MBL in 2014 and a post-graduate diploma in Healthcare Technology Management in 2016.

In 2005 she started her own company, leading a team of professionals to run the emergency departments in various hospitals on an outsourced basis. In 2010, she established Mutsh Medical International, which focused on selling high-quality healthcare technologies internationally.

In addition to her knowledge about healthcare, she has held both executive and non-executive directorships in various industries in SA, and in 2016, was first runner-up in the Businesswomen's Association of SA's Regional Business Woman of the Year awards.

MEDITECH continues to be committed to Africa and the Middle East. The company focuses on providing leading and sustainable solutions using local expertise.

Mutshekwane's vast experience and enthusiasm will go a long way towards helping MTSA fulfil its mission of improving healthcare. The company wishes her everything of the best in her new and exciting role.


Editorial contacts

Nikki Kundalram
(+27) 011 805 1631