
METAmorphosis 2005 will be the 16th annual flagship conference and showcase for META Group

Johannesburg, 27 Mar 2005

With a focus on helping companies optimise for change through transformation and innovation, pervasive integration, and ultimately excellent execution to achieve targeted performance, METAmorphosis 2005 embodies META Group`s ongoing commitment to provide actionable research, personalised service, and high-value guidance to address today`s most crucial issues.

The three-day METAmorphosis 2005 conference focuses on issues affecting business and technology, introducing META Groups new model for technology-infused business, a model in which pervasive and continuous breakthrough performance is a mandate for flourishing and even survival.

META Group has formalised the business breakthrough performance model and its three supporting foundations; Pervasive Integration, The Management of Innovation Portfolios and Active Measurement in what we call the Technology-Enabled Enterprise Framework - conceptual architecture supported by tools, templates and methods.

Pervasive Integration: No technology impacts business in isolation. Organisations need to take a holistic view and recognise that business interfaces with technology precisely at those points where multiple systems and applications intersect. IT organisational structure must not dictate or constrain the processes that link discrete IT tasks but rather take its cues from the shape of cross-technology silo processes. The IT organisation also has to rethink its mission and position itself as a broker of services to the businesses.

The management of innovation portfolios: META Group has concluded that innovation in IT is set to accelerate over the next five years and that breakthrough performance will only be achievable by exploiting that innovation rather than contain it. The effective exploitation of innovation will require a portfolio management approach, bringing to bear many of the techniques originally developed in financial contexts to task of developing an IT futures strategy.

Active measurement: This is based on the old aphorism "You cannot manage what you cannot measure." Breakthrough performance will require measurement frameworks to ensure that the calibration of IT and business is maintained in the face of continually changing market conditions and to drive that calibration`s continuous improvement.

Eric Cowling, marketing manager for META Group says, "We have always had our leading analysts as keynote speakers in our plenary sessions creating a unique opportunity for our delegates and analyst community to share ideas."

METAmorphosis 2005 offers companies the opportunity to exhibit their latest technologies and solutions at their conference technology showcase. If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting contact Eric Cowling to reserve your space, on (011) 880 5644.

METAmorphosis Africa 2005

Register by 1 April for 20% discount. Breakthrough business performance, achieved by driving pervasive integration through IT innovation across the board, is now a mandate to survive and thrive. Are you ready? You will be if you come to Caesars Gauteng May 24-26 for METAmorphosis 2005: "Breakthrough Business Performance: Driving Pervasive Integration Through IT Innovation." You`ll learn how to establish a Technology-Enabled Enterprise Framework that balances, blends, and positions IT decision making to address strategic business goals and requirements at all organizational levels. Showcasing our personalised service, practical research, and strict objectivity, METAmorphosis will sort through the hype and provide actionable guidance on mastering your toughest integration challenges.

To register for METAmorphosis Africa 2005 go to : or call Linda Lourens, META Group South Africa Telephone: (011) 880 5644.


META Group: Return on intelligence

META Group is a leading provider of information technology research, advisory services and strategic consulting. Delivering on actionable guidance, META Group`s experienced analysts and consultants are trusted advisors to IT and business executives. Our unique collaborative models and dedicated customer service help clients to be more efficient, effective and timely in their business goals. Visit for more details on our high-value approach.

Editorial contacts

Lara Nel
Initiative Communications
(011) 475 4129