Integration between the procurement management system of Integrated Tertiary Software (PTY) Ltd (ITS) and has successfully been completed and made available to clients.
In integrating the system, input was obtained from the Purchasing Consortium of Southern Africa (PURCO). The net result of this collaboration is that PURCO now hosts contracts negotiated with suppliers on the business-to-business (B2B) exchange.
Catalogues (contracts) negotiated with suppliers on the B2B exchange can be downloaded from, edited, and approved by PURCO. ITS clients can then download the PURCO amended catalogue items directly into the ITS Procurement Management System.
The advantage is that products, suppliers and pricing on the ITS system are synchronised with the PURCO negotiated prices. Clients can also house their own supplier catalogues on and download the information directly into the ITS system. If a supplier is linked in the ITS system as a supplier, orders created on the ITS system can automatically and electronically be sent to, for retrieval by the supplier.
Jakes Jacobs, Senior Procurement Manager at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), took the initiative and NMMU became the first ITS client to utilise this functionality in the ITS procurement system. NMMU is also the first institution in the tertiary sector to implement the B2B functionality.
Jacobs stated: "We started small. Only uploading the catalogue of one supplier and sending orders electronically to the supplier. In the next phase we added nine more suppliers, including a travel portal."
The first implementation went well, the only challenge being the set-up of codes and the coding of the different parts of items.
Jacobs further commented: "The biggest benefit of implementing e-procurement is the time saved on obtaining quotations and relevant information before an order can be placed."
Integrated Tertiary Software (Pty) Ltd specialises in the provision of integrated software to support the administrative functions within the higher education and further education and training sectors. The company also offers a wide range of related training, support and consultation services to facilitate the transfer of knowledge to staff members at client institutions. The ITS enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution can be implemented as a fully integrated solution to support the student, financial, human resources, payroll and library business processes of a university, polytechnic or college.
The main systems can, however, also be implemented individually to support a "best of breed" approach. Open technology allows for ease of integration with other third-party software solutions.
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