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Invincible Outsourcing chooses INOVO Telecom & Presence Technology software to offer contact centre services

Invincible Outsourcing has entrusted INOVO Telecom & Presence Technology with the optimisation of its contact centre platform, enhancing the quality and productivity it offers to its clients.

The outsourcing organisation has selected the Presence all-in-one Contact Centre Solution Suite, including OpenGate, a powerful gateway with PBX and ACD functionalities that bring flexibility to contact centre operations and directly contribute to improving the productivity and customer satisfaction.

Invincible Outsourcing is part of a large institution that combines consciousness-based education and a state-of-the-art technology hub with business process outsourcing (BPO) services. Invincible Outsourcing is the first of its kind, combining three business models into one. Together they provide the basis for an excellent self-sustaining education establishment without the need for government funding.

The advantage for companies that outsource with Invincible Outsourcing is reduced staff turnover (in an industry that is perpetually training staff) and highly motivated agents that are continually growing their skills base. To ensure the offering is globally competitive, Invincible Outsourcing offers a full service contact centre, covering two-way telephone, fax, e-mail, SMS, instant messaging, and data capturing service, which is supported by the best technology available.

INOVO Telecom has implemented the Presence Inbound solution to manage the flow of incoming calls, Presence Outbound in progressive mode for outbound campaigns, Presence Scripting to automate business processes and Presence Recording for quality control and legal reasons.

According to Vincent Joyner, CEO of Invincible Outsourcing: “We can offer this outsourcing service at massive savings thanks to the innovation we've developed through combining a unique post-secondary educational institution, a BPO centre, and an exceptional technology backbone, provided by companies like INOVO and Presence.”


Invincible Outsourcing

Invincible Outsourcing is a groundbreaking innovation established to educate South Africa's youth who previously lacked opportunities, changing their futures forever. The contact centre or call centre is manned by students and a professional management team, and boasts state-of-the-art technology. Invincible Outsourcing provides both inbound (customer care lines, data capture and help desk (levels 1 and 2)) and outbound (market and customer satisfaction surveys, data verification) services. The students are studying towards a well rounded, internationally accredited, Bachelor's Degree (five years track) or MBA (additional two years) in Sustainable Business Management. The education is a blend of theory and practical, classroom and shop floor as well as educational and professional qualifications. Invincible Outsourcing provides the students with hands on experience throughout their education and profoundly contributes to the financial self-sufficiency of the institute and the students.


INOVO is a South African company, offering a high value technology proposal to the contact centre market. Traditionally, the set-up of a contact centre required substantial capital expenditures on hardware and software, it requires IT and telecom skills to service and maintain the infrastructure and customers had to go through long procurement, implementation and integration cycles to finally benefit from the solution. INOVO's Contact Centre Solutions alleviates some of the above and focuses on enhancing productivity and customer service, therefore significantly improving the efficiency and revenue of outbound activities, while ensuring better process adherence, quality management and ease of contact centre management through its extensive reporting capabilities.

Presence Technology

Presence Technology is a global contact centre solution provider specialising in CTI, predictive dialling and intelligent routing, compatible with any PBX system. Presence OpenGate combines rich contact centre features with an open source switch platform for a powerful standalone solution. Unique to Presence is the usability, flexibility and management. Featuring a highly-qualified professional team along with our network of strategic partners, Presence Technology has helped customers worldwide across Europe, South America, South Africa and the USA achieve their business needs and better serve their customers.

Editorial contacts

Charles Gijzelaar