
How do managed print solutions benefit your business?

Johannesburg, 18 Feb 2022

Managed print services (MPS) means different things to different people. This article discusses three important ways that MPS can benefit your business:

  1. Cost saving
  2. Productivity
  3. Security

Managed print services is a complete print solution that reduces print costs, improves productivity and generally enhances the effectiveness of your print environment, as well as offering comprehensive security. There are many options to choose from, but it is important to remember that each business is unique and that MPS offers the opportunity to tailor your printing infrastructure to your business's unique needs.

1. Cost savings

Printing can take a big bite out of a business budget and costs can easily spiral out of control. One of the key benefits of MPS is an immediate reduction in wastage as well as an increase in savings. This is particularly significant in paper-intensive environments like healthcare providers and legal firms.

A thorough print audit can help you consolidate your hardware, automate the entire print process and move it to the cloud, reducing space and energy costs as well as paper usage. In addition, a print policy can provide rules and guidelines for printing in the office. With everything included in a monthly fee, you receive a single, predictable figure for all printer costs.

2. Productivity

Monitoring and servicing ensures constant up-time and minimal disruption by making sure you have sufficient paper, toner and other consumables available as and when you need them, without the cost of over- or under-buying. This is done using predictive maintenance and analytics, built into many MPSes. The result is a reduction in cost and a boost in business operations and agility by identifying what needs replacing or may break down, when, and lets you know. Having a service provider monitoring and compiling these analytics for you means that your IT staff are freed up to focus on other priorities, which, in turn, increases productivity even more.

An MPS provider can help your business to determine your needs and improve your printing infrastructure without requiring you to make additional investments in hardware and software. Printers are like cars; some are good for short runs, some are good on the open road and some are purpose-built 4x4s. An in-depth needs analysis is important because different types of printers solve different customer problems. Tailoring your print infrastructure to your business needs is key to achieving better productivity.

Because printing needs may differ between company business units, an MPS provider can recommend a programme tailored to their individual needs. In our current physical distancing economy, this might include printing off-site, for example, or printing from a mobile device.

3. Security

MPS providers have the ability to assess your security needs and enable appropriate access management, activity tracking and encryption of device data. Protecting sensitive documents and information is crucial when considering your businesses governance, risk and compliance. This can all be managed for you using MPS and will allow you to focus on other areas of importance.

Gaining visibility and control over your printers helps you to save money and improve productivity in your business. Moreover, managed print services software helps to increase security during the handling of your documents and data and reduces your impact on the environment.

MPS has a lot to offer for most businesses. The best way to find out what value it can offer to your organisation is to have a needs analysis conducted.

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