Google rolls out reseller programme
Google has rolled out a reseller programme to promote the adoption of Google Commerce Search by online retailers, Information Week says.
“We wanted to make it easier for retailers to adopt Google Commerce Search to help them achieve amazing results and meet their customers' needs,” says Nitin Mangtani, group product manager of Google Commerce, in a blog post.
“Through this new programme, resellers can work with us to bring the unique capabilities of Google Commerce Search to their retail clients.”
According to CBR, the company said it is welcoming Branding Brand and Perficient as its inaugural resellers.
Branding Brand has worked with Timberland and GNC. Google claimed that before GNC optimised its mobile Web site, 10% to 15% of its e-commerce traffic came from mobile, but now mobile search conversions are up 50%.
Google hopes retailers will benefit by using its Commerce Search tool ahead of the shopping season.
The search giant argues that companies who decide they need a mobile shopping Web page or app still need “a powerful search experience” that will enable shoppers to find products and engage with the brand, Tech Watch writes.
One of the most important factors for companies considering entering the mobile shopping fray is to ensure their site is simple and streamlined, so that products can be found quickly.
Customers who have to search the site or click through a number of pages to get to the content they want will soon go away and probably to a competitor.