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  • Fourth annual ICSA Labs Forum advances security standard for next generation of IP

Fourth annual ICSA Labs Forum advances security standard for next generation of IP

By Verizon
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 25 Jun 2008

Global security designers successfully tested security standards for the next generation of IP at a workshop conducted by ICSA Labs, an independent division of Verizon Business.

ICSA Labs focused its fourth annual Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) forum, held recently in San Antonio, on testing how new products work with the latest security-related protocol, Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2).

The testing zeroed in on an emerging technology, IPv6, a next-generation protocol for the Internet with built-in security functionality. The current worldwide standard is IPv4.

The federal government has mandated that its agencies move to IPv6 by 30 June. IPv6 can allow for many more Internet addresses, enabling more devices to connect to the Internet.

"Our singular mission was to advance a new Internet security protocol for IPv6," said George Japak, managing director, ICSA Labs. "We want to help grow the Internet while making it safer. As IKEv2 and IPv6 work together in close combination, enhancements in these critical technologies will help to pave the way for a safer Internet."

Vendors testing their products with IKEv2 were IBM, Microsoft, Nokia, SafeNet, SonicWALL, strongSwan Project, TAHI Project and Xpressent. Tests focused on certificate authentication, encryption and authentication algorithms, and use of an Internet protocol, known as MOBIKE, for remote users.

"Events like this workshop contribute to the development of solutions that deliver the functionality, interoperability and security that corporate end-users require as they implement IPv6," said Simon Blake-Wilson, general manager, embedded security solutions, SafeNet. "SafeNet is dedicated to the development and maintenance of a portfolio of future-proof security solutions, and events like this are a great way for us to advance our research in this area."

For additional information on ICSA Labs' IPsec forum, including complete results from the IKEv2 Interoperability Workshop, visit


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Daryn Smith
(+27) 21 658 8544