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eBook: Power Platform governance: How to scale, transform your management for sustainable adoption


As organisations continue to accelerate digital transformation efforts to keep up with the growing demands of the ever-changing work landscape, businesses are looking into IT and business process automation to scale and grow without increasing budget or headcount.

According to Gartner, not only will automation lower 30% of organisations’ operational costs by 2024, but it will also be a key factor in enabling operational excellence in today’s digital-first world.

For Microsoft users, Power Platform provides the technology needed to enable automation that’s already well-integrated with Microsoft 365’s collaboration tools. True to the promise of scaling without additional headcount, Microsoft Power Platform empowers citizen development – making digital impact more attainable to business users.

This power doesn’t come without risks, but with the right partner and solutions, you can safely and securely take advantage of all the platform has to offer.

Please download the eBook below.
