Discovery Health has become the largest Magic-based application developer site in the world. With 70 developers, including 12 contractors supplied by Magix Integration, Discovery`s IT services support 3 500 users with applications based on Magic Software Enterprise`s (MSE`s) eDeveloper version 9.4.
eDeveloper 9.4 is supplied and supported by Johannesburg-based Magix Integration. The Magic environment has been Discovery`s primary rapid application development (RAD) environment for over a decade.
Discovery Health is active in South Africa as well as the US and UK. The company aims to lead the international markets in health and life insurance, stating its core purpose is to make people healthier while enhancing and protecting their lifestyles.
"As Discovery grew from a fledgling healthcare insurer into a health and insurance giant, Magic`s Application Platform Suite has proved an integral part of the organisation`s growth, allowing it to bring new products to market quicker than any other RAD tool on the market," says Amir Lubashevsky, director of Magix Integration.
"Not only does eDeveloper deliver applications faster than other solutions, it is also faster and easier to train developers and bring them to a high level of productivity," adds Leopold Malan, CIO at Discovery. "The return on investment has been remarkable."
Internationally, Nasdaq-listed MSE (NASDAQ: MGIC) has congratulated Discovery on its achievement. "We have been following Discovery`s tremendous IT growth and progress on the South African business and healthcare landscape for some time and congratulate them on their achievement. Discovery has demonstrated how to leverage our technology to achieve exceptional business results. It is now used as a global reference site and case study on designing, building and implementing leading-edge applications with ease," stated Avigdor Luttinger, VP of marketing and corporate strategy at Magic Software Enterprises.
eDeveloper is designed to allow for the rapid creation and customisation of large-scale and complex distributed applications. Complete application functionality - including data structures, business rules, program logic and the presentation layer - is developed entirely in a table-driven, point-and-click programming environment. There is no need for coding or proprietary scripting.
"What`s more, eDeveloper`s ease of use stretches to its integration capabilities," Malan notes. "eDeveloper exists symbiotically with other technologies and databases, making it a simple point-and-click process to hook our Magic applications into our data stores and systems implemented with other technologies."
The support Discovery receives from both Magix Integration and Magic Software Enterprises in Israel is also a determinant factor in Discovery`s recurrent commitment to Magic`s technology. Malan says both organisations have proven very helpful and willing to assist Discovery.
"Ease of use, reliability, stability, simple integration processes and a fast time to market have defined our use of Magic over the years as we upgraded from version 5 to eDeveloper 9.4," Malan concludes. "With eDeveloper we can match the business agility of Discovery`s executives as they launch new products to market."