
Cornastone's Ratshefola named as chairman of DVT

IT veteran Hamilton Ratshefola, CEO of Cornastone Consulting, has been appointed as chairman of DVT. This follows on Cornastone Technology Holdings' acquisition of 28.5% of DVT last year. DVT is one of South Africa's fastest growing software and services specialists under the direction of founder and group CEO Chris Wilkins.

"My appointment is in line with the further growth and development of DVT along strong corporate governance lines," says Ratshefola. "King II makes specific recommendations regarding the separation of boardroom duties, and as DVT grows, it is important to follow these guidelines.

"I will have specific duties: I will bring an external, independent perspective to company deliberations. With Chris and his team, I will reassess strategy and help management shift their focus from short-term projects to long-term ones. DVT is already a leading Microsoft specialist, and I will help expand and deepen this competency. In addition, through access to the broad Cornastone customer base, we will be driving cross and upselling opportunities. Finally, Cornastone and DVT will collaborate on delivering software development projects."

Ratshefola has many years' experience in the IT sector. His career includes leadership of IBM's Public Sector business; and an executive directorship at CCH. He and fellow Cornastone director Lufuno Nevhutalu have been named among South Africa's 20 most influential black businessmen.

"With his years of experience and wide market exposure, Hamilton brings great leverage to DVT," says Wilkins. "His appointment is a logical step in our evolution to a major force in the market. We fully expect him to add significant value as we continue and accelerate our growth."


Editorial contacts

Frank Heydenrych
Predictive Communications
(011) 608 1700