The acceptance of monochrome as a presentation device has been questioned and found wanting. It is no longer considered completely professional to produce a black and white document, be it a tender, a quote or a simple client letter. Colour is becoming a `must have` in the office and this business need is driving demand for colour devices, both internationally and in South Africa.
Price has long been considered one of the major obstacles to purchasing colour devices. Locally, Gestetner SA is finding this is less and less the case. In fact, there is an increasing tendency for consumers to disregard the price differences between equivalent speed devices and purchase a colour machine over the less expensive mono product.
Declining prices have been one catalyst. But, the price to feature ratio for colour devices exceeds those of mono machines and this is more often the reason clients select colour over mono. This is especially true of hybrid or universal multifunctional products (MFPs) devices that are black and white but have colour capability. The beauty of these machines is the cost per page for mono prints is exactly the same as on a mono laser but the MFP can also produce colour documents. A hybrid device combined with a managed print environment can ensure consumable costs don`t spiral out of control.
Distributed networks and an increasing dependence on electronic documents are changing the way that people print. This is not new information. But, it is also changing which kind of devices they buy. With new technology such as Scan-to-Print, many large organisations are able to forgo the vastly expensive copier purchase in favour of high-speed colour capable printers with just one scanner networked to all devices for the occasional copying requirement. Basically, instead of spending money on a black and white copier, organisations are buying colour laser printers and experiencing a better return on investment.
Although colour devices only account for a fraction of the total number of MFPs and printers sold, the numbers are increasing dramatically. With huge demand expected, it makes sense that vendors will be launching a number of new colour products into the market. You can expect over 15 new products from Gestetner SA before October 2006 with each one designed to give business users access to affordable and quality colour.