
CUASA welcomes Telkom`s tariffs

By Itumeleng Mogaki, ITWeb junior journalist
Johannesburg, 07 Sep 2005

The Communications Users Association of South Africa (CUASA) has welcomed Telkom`s new tariffs approved by the Independent Communications Authority of SA (ICASA) last week.

Spokesman Ray Webber says although CUASA has not yet studied the new tariffs in detail, the call cost changes do appear to be a step in the right direction.

"The new changes in August, which were delayed to 1 September, signal a change in the processes. But there`s still room for improvement, as South African telecommunications charges are still very high," says Webber.

He says the reduction in long-distance national calls is substantial, at 10%, while the small reduction in local calls is less impressive, but that at least it`s a decrease.

Webber says it should be noted that once again it`s mainly those calls, where there is competition for long distance calls, which are being decreased.

"Telecommunications in all forms do have an impact on consumers, particularly in the case of prepaid call charges, which are a large percentage of the disposable income of the poor of our country," says Webber.

Webber says CUASA believes ICASA has done a good job in the past few years, tightening up the regulations and control of fixed telecommunications charges.

He notes that ICASA can decline Telkom`s proposed tariff changes, should they exceed the maximum percentage increases stipulated.

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