
Kekana to replace Moche at Telkom

Nkenke Kekana, chairman of Parliament`s communications portfolio committee, will replace Telkom`s group executive for regulatory and public policy, Victor Moche, following his resignation. Moche is to head up Denel.

Kekana has been involved in the information and communication sector for the past 20 years and has been a member of parliament since 1994, participating in the formulation of much of the major telecommunications and broadcasting legislation.

In his capacity as chairman of the communications portfolio committee he has hosted many public hearings on communications issues, such as the role of telecommunications in Africa, the quality of cellular services in South Africa and the transformation of the advertising industry.

"Kekana brings a wealth of experience in telecommunications policy and regulation to his new position at Telkom, which should help to ensure that Telkom maximises shareholder value and maintains its leadership positions," says Telkom CEO Sizwe Nxasana.

His experience will stand him in good stead in his new position as the job will entail dealing with issues of competition and dispute resolution, consumer protection, customer service and service delivery to communities.

He will also be involved with issues that relate to the interpretation and implementation of regulations, including the telecommunications act.
