Mobile professionals and consumers wanting fast, reliable Internet access with widespread EDGE and 3G coverage, have an affordable new solution.
IT infrastructure, solutions and services provider, Datacentrix, has teamed up with MTN SA and Lenovo to provide local business and consumers with a powerful, broadband and mobility solution. Lenovo is formerly IBM`s PC division.
MTN customers who sign a 24-month contract at R999 per month, receive a Lenovo ThinkPad R52 incorporating MTN 3G and EDGE connectivity.
Jeremy Osborne, device manager at MTN, says the companies collaborated to package an exclusive offering to the local marketplace. "By providing users with a powerful, reliable laptop solution making use of MTN`s wireless broadband service, we are set to change the way that consumers and corporates purchase notebooks.
"Partnering with strategic IT providers enables MTN to meet the growing demand for the availability of wireless broadband data. Combining the existing advantages of notebook mobility with our 3G offering is a practical and cost-effective way to further enhance the productivity of the mobile professional."
MTN`s services on the network include voice calls, data connections like GPRS and offers seamless changes between 3G, EDGE and GPRS on different speeds. MTN has 100% GPRS coverage in South Africa and EDGE coverage of 40% of the population. Some 57 000 subscribers are using MTN 3G and DGE
"MTN customers can have complete confidence in the Lenovo Thinkpad product," says Kgabo Maila, marketing manager of Lenovo SA. "Features of the R52 model include durability, reliability and improved security features."
Datacentrix`s role in the agreement encompasses the supply, service and support of the hardware collaboratively with MTN and the IBM warranty centres. "Datacentrix already provides MTN with corporate IT solutions and is an IBM and Lenovo Tier 1 Business Partner Solution provider for xSeries Servers, PC Products, Services and Storage," says Johann Coetzee, General Manager - Johannesburg at Datacentrix.
"The project with MTN and Lenovo is part of a fundamental change in the way the mobile computing concept is sold. It also proves that mobility need not be a costly exercise."