Cyber criminals are reported to be attempting to steal the banking details of FNB online banking clients.
E-mails apparently circulated at random during the past two days called on FNB clients to confirm their online banking user names and passwords. A link on the mail took users to the privacy policy on the genuine FNB site, but a popup box into which users were to input their passwords was traced back to a site in Russia.
The mail reads as follows:
"Dear First National Bank Member, This email was sent by the First National Bank server to verify your e-mail address. You must complete this process by clicking on the link below and entering in the small window your First National Bank User ID and Password. This is done for your protection - because some of our members no longer have access to their email addresses and we must verify it. To verify your e-mail address and access your bank account, click on the link below."
Steve Higgins of FNB`s media liaison department said this afternoon that the bank is aware of the hoax and is currently preparing a statement on the matter.