
South Africans look for work more than sex

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 23 May 2002

South Africans are more interested in work than sex, according to search portal Ananzi`s latest search figures.

Ananzi reports that the search term "jobs" has taken the lead as the most popular search term used on the site for the past four months. "Sex", once the most popular search term, has now been relegated to second or third place each month. Other search terms making the top five in the past few months include "lotto", "SMS", "maps", "property" and "cricket".

Ananzi MD Mark Buwalda says the change is interesting in that it indicates a trend for more and more people to turn to the Internet to find jobs. "It`s understandable for the search term 'jobs` to be popular at the beginning of the year, with school-leavers and university graduates entering the job market, and those currently in employment looking for something different," says Buwalda.

"What is unusual is for it to be the most popular search term, and to have maintained that position for four months. It is, however, a trend we see continuing for the foreseeable future. There is no doubt that the South African user is using the Internet in a more serious manner to fulfil other needs "

This appears to be in line with trends overseas, where top search engines report the most interest in news, celebrities, special events and sport, rather than in sex-related searches.

Related stories:
South Africans want sex, money, communications
