Networking sites aid spammers
Cloudmark, a provider of carrier-grade messaging security, has revealed the results of a nationwide poll conducted on its behalf by Harris Interactive which illustrated that, in the past year, 83% of social networking site users, received unwanted (or spam) "friend" invitations, messages or postings on their social or professional network account, states Earthtimes.
Similar to attacks found in e-mail, social networking spam generally targets users with unsolicited product messages or attempts to redirect them to a phishing site or one hosting malware.
The problem is severe enough that 66% of users say they would be at least somewhat likely to switch to another social network if they were to receive a significant number of these unwanted messages.
Cellity Communicator gets full e-mail
According to Market Wire, Cellity AG, provider of mobile communication software applications, has added full e-mail capability to its successful Cellity Communicator cellphone software.
The new beta release of the Cellity Communicator is now available as a free download, and includes the key features required for mobile communication in one easy-to-use application.
Expensive services such as e-mail push services or BlackBerry contracts are no longer needed thanks to the new e-mail feature.
Tervela unveils TAPP
Tervela, a provider of high-performance messaging systems, has unveiled the Tervela Advantage Partner Programme (TAPP), says Bob's Guide.
The programme is an ecosystem of integrated partner solutions that extend and amplify Tervela's Message Network to ensure that financial services firms maintain competitive advantage with their high-performance trading infrastructures.
The combined solutions overcome the operational inefficiencies and continuity constraints of legacy middleware and messaging software. Charter members of TAPP include FIX Flyer, Portware, Volante Technologies and Celoxica.