
Stay alert at ATMs

First National Bank (FNB) is hosting its annual ATM Security Week, which aims to educate customers on ATM crime and highlight tactics used by criminals to take advantage of unsuspecting ATM users.

Being alert and aware of your surroundings is one of the most important elements when transacting at an ATM machine, says Mark Arnold, CEO of self-service channel at First National Bank (FNB).

"By having your card in your hand and ready to use, your ATM transaction becomes quicker and safer.

"When leaving an ATM carefully watch for anyone following or approaching you.

"Always keep a safe distance from a stranger when near an ATM. If you are being followed, go immediately to the nearest business, store, coffee shop or any place where people are present," he says.

Arnold also provides these safety tips:

* Only use ATM machines in a well-lit, open, high-traffic areas.
* Use ATMs inside busy supermarkets if possible.
* If lights around the ATM are not working, don`t use that machine.
* Avoid ATM machines located in places that could be obvious hiding places for criminals.
* Check the face of the ATM for anything unusual.

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