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Telkom announces resignation of Wallace Beelders

Telkom today announced the resignation of Wallace (Wally) Beelders, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer (CSMO).

Beelders joined Telkom in 1977 and was appointed as CSMO in December 2005. During his 30 years with the company, Beelders gained extensive knowledge of, and wide-ranging experience in the information and communications technology (ICT) industry.

According to Beelders, he wants to put his expertise to good use, and explore new opportunities in an industry that continues to evolve.

"The ICT industry has undergone rapid transformation. This trend will continue and the landscape will continue to change, bringing with it a myriad of fresh opportunities. I want to be part of this exciting and challenging process. I also want to continue to grow and develop, and I can achieve this by applying all that Telkom has taught me in a new space."

Beelders says a lot of thought went into his decision, especially as he has been intimately involved in Telkom's transformation drive. "The process of transformation that Telkom has undergone during the past decade has touched every aspect of our business. I have witnessed the company grow and become more proficient in literally every thing it does. One does not partake in such a massive endeavour without developing a strong bond with the organisation and its people. Telkom has played a defining role in my life and I will always be grateful to the company.

"My decision to leave was made easier by the fact that Telkom's skills base and management expertise has incredible depth. The position that I vacate, can easily be filled by a highly competent person.

"I know that Telkom is in good hands. The CEO came on board at a time when Telkom had no alternative but to, once again, reinvent itself. Such a process is never easy and requires someone with the foresight and guts to make bold decisions. Papi has shown that he can make such critical decisions; decisions that will stand Telkom in good stead as competition intensifies. With the support of his very capable management team, Telkom can face the future with confidence."

CEO Papi Molotsane today also announced that Godfrey Ntoele, currently the Managing Executive: Retail Business, will act as CSMO with immediate effect. There will be a handing-over period that will last until the end of March.

Making the announcement, Molotsane said that even though he is sad to lose such a valuable member of the top management team, he respects Beelders' decision and wishes him everything of the best. "New opportunities are opening up in the ICT market and Wally wants to become involved in an industry that is pivotal to South Africa's development. Telkom's loss is the industry's gain, for Wally is a talented person with an incredible grasp of ICT," says Molotsane.

Molotsane says that since he took over in September 2005, Telkom has been implementing a strategic plan designed to entrench the company as an ICT solutions service provider. "Wally played an indispensable role in this process, and his unwavering commitment to secure Telkom's future has assisted the company in making solid progress. We are going to miss him."

Molotsane also wished Ntoele well in his acting position and said he is confident that Ntoele will continue where Beelders left off. "The CSMO fulfils a crucial role in guiding our strategic direction. I am confident that Godfrey has all the skills, experience and dedication to do just this."



Telkom SA Limited is Africa's largest integrated communications company. Telkom provides public switched communication services in South Africa and offers fixed-line voice and data services. Telkom participates in the South African mobile communications market through its 50% shareholding in Vodacom, the largest mobile communications network operator in South Africa based on total estimated customers. Telkom's infrastructure is composed of terrestrial, undersea and satellite communications and pathways, broadband circuits and connections that enable voice, data and video communication services.

Telkom has approximately 4.7 million telephone access lines in service as of March 2006. Telkom had consolidated operating revenue of R47.6 billion for the year ended 31 March 2006. Telkom's subsidiaries include Telkom Directory Services (Pty) Ltd which provides complete yellow and white pages directory services as well as electronic services, and Swiftnet (Pty) Ltd. Swifnet trades under the name of FastNet Wireless Service and provides synchronous wireless access on Telkom's X25 network, Saponet-P, to its customers.

Telkom strongly believes in corporate social investment and has a dedicated wing, the Telkom Foundation, which focuses in investing and developing previously disadvantaged South African communities. The foundation spend R50.2 million in the year ended 31 March 2006 on projects relating to ICT planning and infrastructure roll-out; education and training; and, empowerment of women, children and people with disabilities.

Telkom has always viewed South Africa's effective transformation as imperative for its sustainable long-term growth. Empowerment and the transformation of the economy are central to Telkom's BEE strategy. During the year ended 31 March 2006, 67 % of Telkom's procurement spend was on BEE companies. In addition, Telkom trained 18 black SMMEs and a total of 1 181 suppliers at an estimated cost of R7.1 million.

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