
SITA highlights ICT's role in govt

Johannesburg, 04 Oct 2006

The State IT Agency (SITA) will hold its inaugural GovTech ICT conference at Sun City from 30October to 2November, under the auspices of minister of public service and administration, Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi.

SITA aims to bring together senior government officials representing all spheres of government, corporate CIOs and local ICT industry players at the event.

The afternoon of 30 October will be reserved for an executive leadership forum titled "Toward Creating a Knowledge Economy".

"We want to facilitate the free sharing of information between all three spheres of government (national, provincial and municipal) as well as between the government and the ICT industry," says Noedine Isaacs-Mpulo, chief of business operations at SITA.

The minister has recognised the relevance and strategic nature of the topics to be discussed, the senior level at which this conference is being pitched and the fact that this will not be just another talk-shop, she says.

Isaacs-Mpulo adds that speakers from local and international organisations as well as other governments will address the conference. One of the speakers is Arthur Philips, CEO of CIPAL, the Belgian IT company specialising in municipal solutions, with which SITA partnered earlier this year to improve municipal service delivery.

The programme will highlight "specific government issues and challenges as well as enable technologies that can align public service delivery with policy outcomes".

GovTech will stimulate discussion on the role of ICT in facilitating enhanced delivery of government services, she notes.

"The aim of GovTech is to ensure the end-product of the discussions will be a reference document that will be used to guide further policy and strategy development on the utilisation of ICT across the three spheres of government."
