
Mixed reaction to wireless broadband report

By Damaria Senne, ITWeb senior journalist
Johannesburg, 19 Oct 2005

The MYADSL Wireless Broadband report is not a true reflection of Wireless Business Solutions` (WBS) technology and product strength, says WBS marketing manager Jackie Mpondo-Hendricks.

Mpondo-Hendricks was commenting on the report released by Johannesburg University`s broadband laboratory after an in-depth testing of Sentech`s MyWireless, Vodacom`s 3G, WBS`s iBurst and MTN`s 3G offerings.

MyWireless came first with a comparative score of 87%, Vodacom second with 81%, iBurst third with 80% and MTN last with 78%. The research methodology included 20 000 diagnostic tests and 150 volunteers testing uploads and downloads speeds, reliability, latency service restrictions and technical support.

Questioning the rating criteria, Mpondo-Hendricks says it is not clear what the basis for reliability and consistency was. She also questions the time during which the testing took place as well as the circumstances under which users took part.

Vodacom group corporate executive Dot Field says most of the report results tally with the company`s views and experience of its 3G service. She also notes that Vodacom 3G network achieved highest download speeds in the research.

Field says the low rating achieved on reliability was not expected as the network has constantly achieved 99.9% availability. However, a major failure did occur during the testing period and this would likely reflect in the results posted, she says.

Sentech`s broadband wireless portfolio manager Winston Smith says he is delighted with the results.

"With MyWireless`s current score of 87%, Sentech has cemented its position as the leading provider of wireless broadband in SA," he says.

MyWireless was placed second in terms of cost and average upload speed, and third in terms of average download speed.

The full MyADSL Wireless Broadband Report is available on the MyADSL Web site.

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