
IT SETA training shortfall to be addressed

By Georgina Guedes, Contributor
Johannesburg, 28 Aug 2003

Although the Information Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETT) Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) has already exceeded its annual training target of 1 000 learnerships, it is now aiming for 2 400 to be completed by the end of this financial year, to make up for backlogs in previous years.

"The Department of Labour was unable to write off our backlog," says Oupa Mopaki, CEO of ISETT SETA. "But our target is within reach, and we have already trained 1 800 learners."

In conjunction with Torque-IT, government, employers, labour representatives and some trainers, the ISETT SETA is establishing learnerships based on research that has been conducted into the needs of SA businesses. Two such learnerships, national certificates in systems development and network support, were signed in at a ceremony at Torque IT's head office yesterday.

"There are high levels of unemployment and concerning levels of unemployability," Mopaki says. "It is our role to try and alleviate these circumstances. I can attest that when they are finished, these students will find that they have a 90% to 95% chance of getting employment within one year, not roaming the streets without employment opportunities, like previous learnerships."

Tebogo Makgatho, Torque-IT's business development manager, clarifies that it is necessary for companies to spend money in order to qualify for the training tax rebate.

"Learnerships require a contract of employment," she says. "Employers are required to pay an allowance to their learners, and this allows them to qualify for a tax rebate."
