
IT SETA: 'We have a plan`

By Tracy Burrows, ITWeb contributor.
Johannesburg, 12 Feb 2002

The Information Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies (ISETT) SETA has reinstated its CEO, Mateli Mpuntsha, after a disciplinary hearing found him not guilty of financial irregularities, and says it has constructive plans to address problems within the SETA.

The recent removal of the SETA`s acting chairman and disciplinary hearing against its CEO raised questions about the efficiency of the SETA management. Industry leaders questioned why no financial results had been made public, and whether the SETA was indeed contributing to the industry.

Responding to the rumblings, ISETT CEO Mateli Mpuntsha and acting chairperson of the board Thabo Mpama have given the assurance that the SETA is back on track and that financial results are now publicly available for stakeholders.

Mpuntsha says the SETA`s annual report, which includes the financial results, was not released earlier because of a delay in approving reports by all the SETAs at government level. However, the report and financial results will be distributed at the ISETT SETA AGM on 26 March.

Mpama says the recent disciplinary hearing illustrates that no one within the SETA board or staff is above scrutiny. "We now have some key learnings to base our future planning on," says Mpama. "We will strive to improve our team-building within the organisation and our relationship-building with the industry as a whole."

Mpama says the SETA is giving itself six months to a total turnaround, and intends to be seen to be delivering on its objectives, with measurable outcomes and transparent management.

"We concede that there has been a lack of communication between the SETA and the IT industry," says Mpama, "and this is probably one of the main reasons why dissatisfaction and rumours may have arisen. We are taking steps to address this communication gap."
